A true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
Working with the client team we decided to create a totally different way of looking at and presenting a Regimental collection. We did not want a repetitive chronology of battles and bloodshed.
Instead we arranged the objects into three distinctive themes: Hardware of a Yorkshire Soldier – weapons and equipment; Software of a Yorkshire Soldier – regimental ties and belonging; and The Life of a Yorkshire Soldier – Courage, Loyalty, Spirit, Comradeship, Determination, Duty, Sacrifice, Initiative, Humour and Leadership. Arranging the exhibition in this way allowed the objects on display to lead the narrative rather than the other way around.

What’s the story...
This is the timeless story presenting the hardware and software that form the life and times of a soldier.”

What the client said...
The design presented and then delivered by Studio MB has transformed our Museum. A collection that was both complex and particular has been brought to life through its interpretation and presentation. The result is an accessible collection, presented with context and empathy through innovation and technology. In summary, we got exactly what we asked for, through a design that far surpassed what we could possibly had hoped for.”