The joy of my heart is to study men, their manners, and their ways, and for this darling object I cheerfully sacrifice every other consideration.”
The ambition for Robert Burns Birthplace Museum was to offer a truly unique and intimate encounter with Scotland’s favourite son. Studio MB played a vital part in this multi-million pound development of one of Scotland’s most important historical and cultural destinations.
While Event Communications were developing the exhibition design, Studio MB were commissioned to undertake all interpretive graphic design and illustration for 8 separate sites including the birthplace cottage and the new built museum, plus all signage and wayfinding.
The interpretive graphic solutions harnessed the powerful ‘sense of place’ which the landscape, buildings and environment provided and brought to life, through beautiful typography and powerful imagery, the compelling and emotional stories of Burns and his writings.

What’s the story...
This is the contrasting story of Scotland’s bard, examining who he was, the man and the myth, and exploring themes of fame and infamy”

What the client said...
We were very impressed by Studio MB’s tender, but much more importantly, they delivered their remit to our ambitious expectations on time and on budget. Throughout the development and implementation of this multi- component project, Studio MB were always available to our team to respond to any issues, managing tight time scales, overcoming challenges, offering proactive and practical advise and imaginative solutions. The visitor comments have been extremely positive and the accolades from the industry very complimentary.”